In people, prednisone or prednisolone may be prescribed as an immunosuppressant medicine and used for issues like asthma. We know that dogs can also suffer with similar conditions and conditions like BOAS in flat-faced (brachycephalic) breeds. Are these medications used for treating these conditions in our pets too? Prednisone and prednisolone are…
Every dog will change your life and will need your input – dog exercise, training your pooch, indoor games, outdoor games, grooming at home or a salon, and, of course, your company and love. Some, however, take high maintenance to a whole new level! Whether it’s due to their coat, behaviour, or both, see our list…
One of the reasons many dogs don’t get the exercise they need to stay happy and healthy is because owners are unable to let them off the lead. Actually, they can let them off the lead with no trouble at all but it is when they need to catch them…
Colitis is a relatively common digestive disease in cats that can cause them discomfort and usually results in diarrhoea. Just as in dogs and people, it has many possible causes. However, with the right care and attention it is usually treatable, and with the help of your veterinary surgeon, your…